Respected and Safe
Small Changes
Respected and Safe is Cybersafe Scotland's main programme - working closely with partner schools through targeted and universal support for learners and training and support for parents, teachers, SLT and non-teaching staff.
The Respected and Safe Online programme was created to help school staff, children, young people and parents to improve their understanding of online abuse, risk and responsibility.
The programme is focused on early intervention to reduce, and protect children from, abuse, harassment and exploitation. It is designed to work with all schools in a Children's Services Network simultaneously and is highly recommended for schools in areas of elevated need.
The scale of the issue of child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) online is not well understood. However, the impact on our young people is very real and it presents a significant challenge for them to navigate, often alone. The programme also explores how to uncover the true picture around online abuse and harassment and how the adults in the young people's lives can support them to make safe and healthy choices about digital spaces.
Children can find it very difficult to speak about some of things that have happened to them online.
Sometimes that is because:
Behaviours have been normalised to the extent that they are no longer recognised as abusive,
Because of shame or embarrassment they feel,
They have no one who is involved in their online life at home,
They are worried about adult reactions, particularly devices being removed.
The program is delivered with a combination of in person events, classes, training, group sessions and digital communications tailored to meet the needs of the children, parents, teachers, SLT and non-teaching staff.
For further information about the programme please contact us by completing the form below to arrange a consultation.